Thursday, November 15, 2007

#6 Feed me Seymour!

OK, so I know I've been a bit slack (understatement of the year!), so I've got a lot to catch up on!!! I'm jumping a few weeks - not because I haven't done the work mind you - I just didn't have the time to blog the experience, or have anything witty to say! (Ok, I probably still don't, but I think I need to do something to feed (pardon the pun!) this blog, before it feels like I've forgotten it!).

Now that I'm back on the right track (and hopefully it's the right one, and I'm not just heading out into the middle of nowhere!), I can see how RSS feeds can be useful (or could be used to waste an awful lot of time!), the trouble with it all is that there's just soo much to choose from! It's like going into a secondhand bookstore - I can't remember what it is that I actually want when faced with a seemingly endless supply of books!

So where to start? Trash of course! I must get a regular dose of absolutely mindless, trivial information about the goings on of those who live in the spotlight (but I threw in a couple of library sites just for good measure!).

And then, once they're chosen & there, all laid out on the page, just waiting to be perused! Where to start??? Mmm... this could take a while!!!

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