Sunday, November 18, 2007

#7 The feed has left the building!!!

Ok, so I've obviously left my run too late to check out Feedster - which is off sunning itself somewhere in cyberspace for an undetermined amount of time!
Topix I found a bit unweildy - there's just waaay too much stuff & it's not really organised in a way that's easy to 'find' anything but the 'global' topics. I tried searching by a number of library related search terms - all of which came up with a lot of completely unrelated stuff, so I'm not sure how you're meant to find anything useful on a specific topic! The same with Google Blog search - you could waste a heap of time sifting through all the hits to find the one bit you actually want to read (I was under the impression that these things were meant to make it easier!!!) Maybe I'm missing the point because I haven't seen Feedster, but surely it'd be quicker just to do a Google search - or go straight to the website & get the feed from there???

1 comment:

The Learning 2.0 Program said...

A also find it easier just to do a google search.
